Doctor Who: Every Series Plot Thread Ranked Worst To Best

4. River Song

River Song Doctor Who

Just to be clear, we're talking about the entire thing.

She started out with David Tennant, came to fruition with Matt Smith and ended for good with Peter Capaldi, right?

Nope. Lets try again! River Song was born and raised alongside Matt Smith, made a farewell trip with Peter Capaldi and finally met her end with David Tennant. There you go. That's more like it.

However you chart the chain of events, River was in it for the long haul. She was always great fun, and the character arcs and timeline events were often confusing as hell, but in retrospect, when you piece them all together, they DO make sense. Overall, it was a masterful work, and one that kept us guessing for several years, and across a whopping three different Doctors.

The basic premise of the her and The Doctor, meeting each other through time and space, and always in the wrong order, was the perfect tragic romance story for our enigmatic Time Lord hero. As mind bending as it was, it was also profoundly human, and made for one of the most poignant relationships in the show's history.

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Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at