Doctor Who: Every Series Plot Thread Ranked Worst To Best

1. The Time War

River Song Doctor Who

It was the biggest, the most epic, and the most pivotal thread. That's why it's also the best.

When Doctor Who returned in its 9th Christopher Eccleston guise, there was a new backstory that changed the entire lore and added some newfound grit. The Doctor's home planet had gone, he was a wondering soul, and a sense of newly born rage plagued the character's personality.

It remained as a backstory for many years after, right the way through the Russel T Davis era and a fair way into Steven Moffat's run. It concluded for the better part, in The Day of The Doctor, where every incarnation of The Doctor (even the future Peter Capaldi guise) chipped in to rescue Gallifrey from inevitable doom. It was as massive as massive comes.

All in all, The Time War possessed everything a fan could have hoped for. It was a small reference which slowly blossomed over a cosmos of stories into an all-out spectacle, where one of the biggest conventions of the show, aka Gallifrey, was brought from the dead and back into life.

...until The Master recently destroyed it again. Cheers for that.

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