Doctor Who: Every Sonic Screwdriver Ranked Worst To Best

7. The Fourteenth Doctor’s Sonic (2023)

Doctor Who Eleventh Doctor Sonic Screwdriver
BBC Studios

As was the case with the War Doctor, David Tennant’s 60th anniversary incarnation was accompanied by a brand-new sonic screwdriver.

In concept, this model was the “ultimate” sonic, combining the claws and grip of the Eleventh Doctor’s model with the metal/ceramic casing of the Tenth’s. There are even echoes of the Master's laser screwdriver in the layered gold and silver end cap.

But in execution, the Fourteenth Doctor’s sonic was something of a mixed bag. Yes, it boasted cool new features like the ability to create holographic readout screens and forcefield shields, but no onscreen reason was ever given for its unique design, and cool though it was to have a sonic that paid tribute to lots of others, it can’t help but feel a tad over-designed (plus weirdly squat and chunky).

And did the claws really need to be that far down?

It’s a suitably special sonic screwdriver and looked great onscreen, but not quite top-tier.

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Doctor Who fan/YouTuber and writer of GO FIGURE, the unofficial guide to Character Options' 5.5" Doctor Who action figures!