Doctor Who: EVERY Steven Moffat Episode Ranked Worst To Best

29. The Pyramid At The End Of The World

Doctor Who Steven Moffat episodes ranked Eleventh Doctor Twelfth Doctor Weeping Angel

Co-written with Peter Harness, The Pyramid at the End of the World is an episode I didn't appreciate back in 2017, but on reflection clicked with me a lot more.

The significance of the pyramid's location and the poignant discussions held between the various representatives are deeply fascinating and thought-provoking, but to me as a younger viewer, it was a rather dialogue-heavy and confusing plot to understand.

This is a very strong episode though, and demonstrates that signature style of Steven Moffat's writing where seemingly unrelated threads are slowly pulled together to reveal an elaborate plot with plenty of twists and scares.

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Sometimes you hear my voice, sometimes you see my face and sometimes you read my words! But I’m usually away with the faeries and timelords! ?‍♀️