Doctor Who: EVERY Steven Moffat Episode Ranked Worst To Best
22. The Girl In The Fireplace

Many might object to this mid-table placement of The Girl in the Fireplace but while there are definitely some standout moments, the episode does have its flaws.
The clockwork droids are fabulous Doctor Who monsters with their creepy masked faces and bladed hands, and the episode looks and feels the part across the board, with some lush costumes and gorgeous sets – top marks for production design.
But the central romance doesn't quite work for me. While it makes sense for Reinette to have developed feelings for the Doctor throughout her life, for the Doctor himself, it has only been a matter of hours and so the level of emotional connection by the episode's end seems a little unusual.
To some this is the perfect Doctor Who story, but to me it doesn't quite click. Seán Ferrick loves it though. Hopefully he doesn't see this placement.