Doctor Who: EVERY Steven Moffat Episode Ranked Worst To Best
20. Asylum Of The Daleks

Opening Series 7 with the Ponds on the verge of divorce was certainly not what fans were expecting when they tuned in to Asylum of the Daleks, but that wasn't even the biggest surprise in the episode.
It had already been announced that Jenna Coleman would be the next companion following the departure of Amy and Rory, but what we didn't know was that she'd appear before that departure actually happened. It was an amazing rug-pull from Moffat – not only was the next companion introduced earlier than expected, but she was seemingly killed off before she even fulfilled that role!
Another interesting element to this episode was the choice to show a weakness in the Daleks. It's refreshing to see the pepper pots from a different perspective and explore a vulnerable side to them, in the form of the "insane" Daleks, and the fear that the other Daleks have for them.
While I'm lower on The Girl in the Fireplace than most people, I'm definitely much higher on Asylum of the Daleks. But for me, it's quite good – an entertaining and unique Dalek story!