Doctor Who: EVERY Steven Moffat Episode Ranked Worst To Best
17. The Wedding Of River Song

For many fans, The Wedding of River Song would rank much lower on this list but I think it's a highly underrated episode.
Does it feel a little slapdash at times? Sure. Is the Teselecta escape a little predicable? Perhaps.
But put those downers aside and there's a lot to enjoy about the Series 6 finale. The concept of the past, present and future all happening at once is a beautifully bonkers Doctor Who idea, and the madness of Charles Dickens on TV and Winston Churchill as a Roman emperor with a Silurian doctor lets you know what you're in for right out the gate.
The title might be the ultimate spoiler but The Wedding of River Song also serves to answer the question of who River is to the Doctor – much to Amy and Rory's shock. That long-awaited wedding sequence is pure magic, and, like the other big emotional beats in this episode, works really well.