Doctor Who: EVERY Steven Moffat Episode Ranked Worst To Best

15. The Time Of The Doctor

Doctor Who Steven Moffat episodes ranked Eleventh Doctor Twelfth Doctor Weeping Angel

One of the strengths of the Moffat era is the long-term storytelling, with various arcs and loose ends sometimes not being tied up until years after the fact.

As a regular viewer it's hugely exciting to be drip-fed clues and mysteries over several series, but it's really only worth it if the payoff sticks the landing – and that's exactly what The Time of the Doctor does.

More so than any other, the Eleventh Doctor's era feels like a continuous story, and his final episode closes that journey in a really satisfying way. The explanation behind the Silence, the origins of "the question", and the significance of the cracks in time all highlight how much thought Moffat put in to all three of Matt Smith's series, culminating in a true Christmas cracker of a finale.

There's a real sense that an epic fairytale is ending as Eleven battles for centuries to defend the people of Trenzalore – and Moffat and Murray Gold don't half make the most of the opportunity to tug on the heartstrings, with musical callbacks like Four Knocks, and a surprise Karen Gillan cameo.

It's a truly rewarding final outing, and an impressive feat to cram so much into a single episode and not have it be an absolute mess!

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Sometimes you hear my voice, sometimes you see my face and sometimes you read my words! But I’m usually away with the faeries and timelords! ?‍♀️