Doctor Who: EVERY Version Of The Daleks Explained

8. Ironside Daleks (First Appearance: 2010)

The Daleks
BBC Studios

A single Dalek saucer survived the fall of the New Dalek Empire and ended up in the 1940s, where its crew hatched a cunning plan to reboot its species.

They managed to track down the last remaining Dalek Progenitor, a device that stored pure Dalek DNA and would allow their race to rebuild. There was just one problem – the Progenitor would only respond to pure Daleks, and since these Daleks had been created from Davros' cells, the Progenitor did not recognise them as pure.

Demonstrating that the Daleks can be just as clever as they are destructive, two of the three survivors integrated themselves into the British Army, by presenting themselves as "Ironsides" – robotic war machines ostensibly designed to help the British war effort, by doing everything from shooting down enemy planes, to carrying cups of tea. Their goal was to have the Doctor testify that they were indeed Daleks, which was an alternate way of activating the Progenitor.

The Ironsides were your standard Time War Dalek drones with khaki-green paint jobs, midsection utility belts, Union Jack ID tags, and covers over their luminosity dischargers, so they wouldn't be lit up during air raids.

Having successfully obtained the Doctor's testimony, the three Dalek survivors were able to use the Progenitor to trigger the birth of a fresh Dalek empire, led by a group of brightly-coloured Dalek drones.

These new Daleks promptly exterminated their impure predecessors, and escaped into deep space.

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