Doctor Who: EVERY Version Of The Daleks Explained

6. Dalek Puppets (First Appearance: 2012)

The Daleks
BBC Studios

Following their attempts to merge Dalek and human DNA, the Daleks developed a technique to recruit any organic being to their cause, via specially-engineered nanogenes.

The process worked equally well on the living and the dead, and the resulting "puppets" weren’t always aware that they’d been converted, making them the perfect sleeper agents. Eventually, their true nature would be belied by their appearance, with Dalek eyestalks sprouting from their foreheads, and gunsticks from their hands.

Dalek Puppets were first used to bring the Eleventh Doctor, Amy, and Rory to the Dalek Parliament. They were also present within the Dalek Asylum, which was covered in a nanocloud that turned any intruders (such as the deceased crew of the Starship Alaska), into part of the on-site security – unless, like the Doctor and friends, they were wearing protective bracelets.

The Daleks subsequently used nanogenes to convert Papal Mainframe members during the Siege of Trenzalore, including Tasha Lem and a handful of Silents. Then, the Twelfth Doctor’s 12th century mate Bors was converted into a Dalek Puppet, to help locate the TARDIS and bring it to Skaro.

Though Dalek Puppets possessed firepower in the form of a Dalek gunstick, they featured no armour or defences to speak of, and unlike proper Daleks would be susceptible to most forms of attack.

They were phased out by the Daleks and haven't been seen in quite some time, though this wouldn't be the last time the Daleks used human bodies to do their bidding.

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