Doctor Who: EVERY Version Of The Daleks Explained

4. Reconnaissance Scout Daleks (First Appearance: 2019)

The Daleks
BBC Studios

When the Daleks first left Skaro they sent an advance guard of Reconnaissance Scouts – specialised units designed to survey planets prior to invasion.

One of these Scouts came to Earth in the 9th century, where it was vanquished by an army of humans. The mutant was split into three pieces, which were sent to be buried on three different continents. However, one piece never made it to its destination and instead remained in Yorkshire, where it was eventually uncovered as part of an archaeological dig underneath Sheffield Town Hall.

With the aid of ultraviolet light, the mutant reassembled itself on New Year’s Day 2019, using unsuspecting archaeologist Lin as a puppet to retrieve its gunstick and build a new, makeshift casing. This casing featured a claw instead of a plunger, plus a unique skirt section with three (rather than four) rows of sense globes, along with some concealed missiles.

The actual Reconnaissance Dalek mutant appeared much larger than a standard Dalek mutant, suggesting higher levels of intelligence fitting for such an important role within the Dalek forces.

Doctor Who Resolution Dalek mutant
BBC Studios

Following an explosive showdown with the British army, the Recon Dalek arrived at government communications facility GCHQ, from which it attempted to summon its invasion fleet.

It was ultimately thwarted by the Thirteenth Doctor and her extended fam, who melted its casing with a microwave oven before throwing the mutant into a supernova.

However, the legacy of this Dalek lived on…

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