Doctor Who: EVERY Version Of The Daleks Explained

2. Death Squad Daleks (First Appearance: 2021)

The Daleks
BBC Studios

The Daleks’ obsession with purity eventually led to the formation of the Death Squad – an SAS-style group whose sole purpose was to preserve the integrity of the Daleks.

These Daleks were largely identical to the standard Time War-era drones, though like the rebuilt Recon Scout, they had claws rather than plungers. And in another departure from other Dalek divisions, their leader was indistinguishable from the rest of the group – though leaders did possess a deeper voice then the rest.

Having been familiar with the Death Squad's existence, the Thirteenth Doctor reluctantly sent a signal through the time vortex and called them to Earth to deal with the Defence Drones, which had been fed liquidised humans while they were grown, and thus were considered "impure" by the Death Squad. A civil war subsequently ensued, during which the Defence Drones were ruthlessly exterminated.

The Doctor then gave the Death Squad a taste of its own medicine, sending Captain Jack, Graham, and Ryan to blow up their ship while luring the remaining Daleks into a decoy TARDIS disguised as her own, which folded in on itself.

Daleks of this design also formed part of the war fleet that was destroyed in the final Flux event – though it’s not clear whether they were all Death Squad members or not.

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