Doctor Who: Everything We Know About The Fourteenth Doctor

2. Disney's Involvement

Doctor Who David Tennant the Fourteenth Doctor

Disney doesn't hesitate when snatching up beloved franchises, with Doctor Who being the most recent example. At the same time the new logo was revealed, fans discovered Disney Plus' brand-new partnership with the show. Naturally, this resulted in some confusion within the fanbase.

Obviously, the BBC will remain the franchise owners, and will continue to air Doctor Who in the United Kingdom. However, for international viewers, it's a whole different story: the newer episodes of the upcoming era will be put on the Disney Plus platform for audiences outside the UK.

It's unclear if Disney Plus will offer access to the entire revival of Doctor Who, or simply the upcoming series. Hopefully though, it will include the entire modern era and possibly even classic episodes - but we may be pushing it there.

Fans have also questioned whether Disney Plus will have creative control over the new era. The press release that accompanied the announcement indicated that the Mouse House will have some level of creative input ("Under a shared creative vision..."), but the chatter right now is that RTD and Bad Wolf Studios will retain ultimate editorial control.

Either way, Doctor Who is about to have budgets and resources like it's never had before, which is hugely exciting for the show's future.

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Doctor Who
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James joined WhatCulture in early 2022. He is an expert on Doctor Who (well, the modern era) and Harry Potter. Currently, James is studying media, film, and communications at the University of Otago in New Zealand.