Doctor Who: Matt Smith’s 11 Best Understated Moments

7. €œI said you were the most beautiful thing I€™d ever know.€

most beautiful thing Don€™t worry: this one€™s much lighter than the last one. The Doctor is having the second conversation of his life with the Tardis, and he€™s having trouble believing it€™s her. Until he finishes one of her sentences, without even realizing he€™s doing it. He says the line, and then what€™s just happened€”the fact that he knew the end of that sentence, and so did she€”sort of settles on him. Smith brilliantly portrays this run of emotions, of shock and a bit of fear and realization. In the background, the Tardis just smiles and keeps going, pushing his realization along. It€™s a very fun moment between the Doctor and his Tardis, which is, after all, really the great love story of Doctor Who.

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at