Doctor Who Mega Review - Big Finish's July Releases

Counter-Measures €“ Series 2 boxed set


rating: 4.5

The British government has created the Counter-Measures group, a specialist team that investigates strange phenomena and dangerous technology. This box set contains four of their adventures plus a behind-the-scenes documentary. Manhunt by Matt Fitton Group Captain Gilmore is on the run for murder; Sir Toby is dealing with his unctuous new assistant, Templeton; and Allison and Rachel are investigating a bizarre series of deaths across the country. A maniac is on the loose, but for Counter-Measures it's business as usual. The Fifth Citadel by James Goss People are falling ill near Holborn and displaying a sickness with all the hallmarks of radiation poisoning. While Gilmore and Allison look into a graveyard, Sir Toby and Rachel venture underground to meet an old friend with a desperate scheme. Peshka by Cavan Scott and Mark Wright A visit to an international chess tournament isn't quite the relaxing experience the Counter-Measures team might have hoped for. With a defection to arrange and violence erupting on the streets it's time for a dangerous gambit. What pieces will be left on the table when the Endgame approaches? Sins of the Fathers by John Dorney When a massacre results from the ruins of an old case, it poses more questions than it answers. But with Sir Toby stonewalling, Gilmore and Rachel are forced to investigate alone. The past is catching up with Counter-Measures. With decades old secrets about to be revealed, can anyone survive the fallout?
STARRING: Simon Williams (Group Captain Gilmore), Pamela Salem (Rachel Jensen), Karen Gledhill (Allison Williams), Hugh Ross (Sir Toby Kinsella), Lucy Fleming (Lady Waverly), Blake Ritson (Captain Astor), Gemma Whelan (Emma Waverly), Celia Imrie (Dr Elizabeth Bradley), Tom Price (Father Ellard), Philip Pope (Templeton) Ah, yes, Counter-Measures. I really liked the first series, and I€™m happy to report that the second keeps up the same level of quality. All four of these stories carry the same basic theme of €œthe past comes back to haunt€, but do it in very different ways. Of the four, I most enjoyed €œThe Fifth Citadel€, which was the least favorite of one of my friends. It very much felt like the kind of story that would have been done on TV back in the day, and the ending was quite daring. €œPeshka€ was probably my least favorite, though it is another that€™s authentic to the time. The others were excellent as well and bookended the set quite nicely. As with the previous series, all the actors were, of course, fully engaged and on their game. It€™s amazing what a good job Williams, Salem and Gledhill do with playing characters that they played once on TV, for four episodes, nearly 25 years ago. It€™s a great testament as well to the original source material and to Big Finish€™s staff of writers that they are able to create so much with so little. Enjoyment of this set does not depend on having watched €œRemembrance of the Daleks€ or having listened to the first set. Those things both help, but if you can accept this as a proto-UNIT, then you€™re well on your way, and I do highly recommend giving this series a try. NEXT MONTH: A First Doctor Companion Chronicle, the 8th Doctor Destiny story, the continuing adventures of the Seventh Doctor and Klein and, oh, dear€Iris Wildthyme rides again! Tally-ho!

Chris Swanson is a freelance writer and blogger based in Phoenix, Arizona, where winter happens to other people. His blog is at