Doctor Who Quiz: Silence Will Fall! How Well Do You Remember Series Six?
Ten years since The Doctor beat the Silence, but can you beat this tough quiz?

When he joined Doctor Who as the Eleventh Doctor for the fifth series of the show's revival in 2010, Matt Smith had a hard act to follow in the form of the hugely popular Tenth Doctor, David Tennant. However, it wasn't long before fans fell in love with The Eleventh Doctor, his companions Amy and Rory, and the mysterious River Song. Series five ended with fans confident their beloved show was in the right hands.
The cast followed up their success with series six in 2011. The series was a wild ride from start to finish, introducing creepy new enemies The Silence, following a series long mystery regarding The Doctor's possible death, and finally, revealing the truth of the identity of River Song and her complicated relationship with The Doctor.
It's been ten years since series six of Doctor Who aired, to a mostly positive reception from fans. How well do those fans remember The Doctor's battle with the Silence a decade later?
Test your own memory with this quiz!