Doctor Who: Ranking All 13 Doctors From Worst To Best

7. The Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann)

Doctor Who Matt Smith Jodie Whittaker Christopher Eccleston Colin Baker

Despite only having two onscreen appearances to his name (a TV movie and a short prequel to the 50th anniversary special) Paul McGann has managed to make a huge splash within the Doctor Who fanbase.

Yes, the TV movie isn't great, and the prequel is only seven minutes long, but he's fantastic in both, proving that you don't need years worth of high-quality stories to make your mark as the Doctor.

As well-spoken as Pertwee with some of that Tennant-esque charm and coolness, the Eighth Doctor of the prequel minisode was a badass action hero, attempting to conduct a high-stakes rescue aboard a crashing spaceship, never once looking flustered, troubled, or lacking control. McGann made it all look so effortless; he's certainly one of the best actors to have played the Doctor, and it's no surprise that he remains a fan-favourite to this day.

Again, the TV movie is quite weak, but it's worth watching for his performance alone, a sentiment that most Doctor Who fans will echo.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.