Doctor Who: Ranking Each NuWho Christmas Special

10. The Snowmen

Doctor Who Christmas Specials

The Snowmen is a weird Christmas special, in that it is the only one to take place in the middle of a regular series of the show. Season 7 was famously split into two parts with season 7a seeing the departure of long time companions Amy and Rory, and 7b showing the introduction of Clara Oswald, who's future self would also go on to be a long-time companion.

The Snowmen isn’t a bad episode by any means, it’s just stuck in an awkward position. The fans are still mourning the departures of the Ponds, as is The Doctor who spends the first half of this episode in a self-imposed isolation in the TARDIS. The show also introduces us to Jenna Coleman for the second time (after Asylum of the Daleks) though yet again not playing the companion. Although this storyline was eventually paid off (somewhat), at this point it just felt weird.

The titular Snowmen aren’t particularly threatening, nor is the disembodied voice of the Great Intelligence. Even Richard E. Grant seems to be phoning it in a bit with a very standard villain portrayal of Dr. Simeon.

As this episode takes place in Victorian London it also heavily features the Paternoster Gang (Jenny, Strax and Madame Vastra). If you’re a particular fan of these characters then you might find more enjoyment in this special, but if not then this one certainly belongs in the lower half of the list.

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I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.