Doctor Who Robot Of Sherwood: 8 Continuity References You Might Have Missed

5. Arrow To The Door

Is the Tardis€™s broken Chameleon Circuit making it look like a great big archery target to anyone armed with a bow? Because this is the third time that the old girl€™s ended up being shot by an archer. The climax of The Shakespeare Code (2007) saw a guard accompanying a very miffed Elizabeth the 1st (preparing for the world€™s most violent divorce) fire an arrow at the fleeing Tenth Doctor only to miss and hit the right-hand door. The arrow was resilient enough to survive a trip to the year 5 billion and we see the Doctor casually pulling it out and throwing it away at the start of the next episode Gridlock. While nineteen years earlier in the 25th Anniversary story Silver Nemesis, 17th century sorceress Lady Peinforte also tried to turn the Doctor into a makeshift kebab but missed and hit the door. And as with The Shakespeare Code, the arrow survives a short hop through time and the Doctor pulls it out shortly after landing. If nothing else, then the people who go after the Doctor with longbows really need to work on their aim. To miss once is unfortunate, twice is downright careless, and thrice means that if you€™re going to kill the Doctor, then you need to choose a different weapon.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.