Doctor Who Season 12 Villains Ranked Best To Worst

12. Cybermen Timelord Hybrid

Lone Cyberman

When it comes to Doctor Who villains, the Cybermen are often ranked as one of the Doctor's greatest adversaries. The Timelords have also been an adversary of sorts for the Doctor, acting sometimes on occasions as nemesis, others as his superiors, and at other times as victims who need saving.

But why oh why anyone thought it would be a good idea to combine the two together is beyond comprehension. There were many aspects of the finale that were extremely divisive, but it was close enough to a consensus that the Cybermen Timelord hybrid was a bad idea and a bad choice of villain.

The actual concept itself wasn't the weakest point here, more so the ludicrous costume design and the nonsensical way it fitted into the script. Having the Timelords in Cyber outfits that contained their ceremonial garbs just looked silly. Rather than seeming an unstoppable threat, the villain hybrid just made you laugh for all the wrong reasons.

Even worse was the terrible explanation, or lack thereof. Had the Timelords engaged in battles with the Cybermen and then been changed into the metallic concoctions against their will, this could have possibly worked. But having The Master simply state that he had a few Gallifreyan bodies on ice ready to transform quickly into Cyber form was just idiotic.

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