Doctor Who Season 12 Villains Ranked Best To Worst

10. Cybermen Army

Lone Cyberman
BBC Studios

The second of three Cybermen entries here, the old foe proving to be inoffensive without ever being the threat they should be. The metal creatures have always been a ho-hum villain individually, with their sheer weight of numbers and ability to transform foes into an ever growing part of their army the real engaging factor.

The sheer weight of numbers here is strong, making them an army that seem near impossible to deal with. The fact that they have headless drones to use as an advanced guard worked well in Ascension of the Cybermen, in particular the ease with which they destroyed the three defence mechanisms the Doctor and the 'fam' brought to fight them.

The most annoying aspect of the Cybermen army this time around is their woeful inability to hit a target. Presumably signed up to the next 007 film as henchmen, their terrible aim makes them all the less menacing than they should be. The manner of their defeat at the hands of Ryan and a couple of humans was also far too easy, although it would have been far easier to swallow if they'd actually taken down a couple of the targets in the process.

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