Doctor Who Series 11: 3 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Rosa'


3. The Supporting Cast

Doctor Who Rosa

There was a lot to love about the performances in this episode, including the Doctor herself (particularly that Banksy moment), but it's the supporting cast who get the lion's share of the praise.

Graham is becoming a truly great character as the series progresses. This time out he bluffs a bullock, calls himself Steve Jobs and pitches the iPhone 63 years early. Very on-brand.

The companions are very sensible. Makes sense since they’re aware of their climate, but it hasn’t stopped companions in the past! *cough* Clara got herself killed because she’s an idiot. *cough* It’s a nice change! Up.

Finally, Vinette Robinson. You might remember her as Sgt. Donovan from Sherlock. She gets one hell of an up for her magnificent performance as Rosa Parks. This is going to be a role that both she, and none of the audience who did or ever will watch this episode, will ever forget. Bravo.


Born in Theatre, sits at a Computer. After over a decade of tinkering with Video Editing software, Rich gets to spend his precious time editing whatever's thrown at him. Also the go-to for Doctor Who, and could tell you why Sans Serif fonts are better than most. Still occasionally tap dances under the desk.