Doctor Who Series 12 - 8 Major Rumours You Need To Know

5. An Environmental Focus

Doctor Who Resolution

An emphasis on empowerment, female or otherwise, served as the thematic spine of series 11, neatly, if tangentially, linking the self-contained episodes and offering a sense of cohesion to the space and time spanning adventures of The Doctor and Team TARDIS whilst tapping into socio-political issues affecting viewers.

According to comments made by a Doctor Who insider, series 12 intends to continue the show’s exploration of contemporary political concerns, this time shifting focus onto environmental matters, with at least one episode rumoured to specifically target the scourge of single use plastics; which would dovetail nicely with a return for the Autons, absent since the pilot episode of the show’s 2005 reboot.

A vested interest in the survival and flourishing of humanity, not to mention countless alien species, has always been both The Doctor and the show’s raison d’etre, so an examination of pressing ecological topics would be consistent with the show’s identity.

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Award-winning writer of comics, having written for Blue Fox Comics, Disconnected Press and 100% Biodegradable, among others. Sporadic screenwriter. Coffee aficionado. Voted most likely to bore you into a coma with film & TV trivia.