Doctor Who Series 12: Ten Huge Questions After Ascension Of The Cybermen

2. How Does The Master Fit In?

Cyber Warrior Doctor Who
BBC Studios

Few will have been surprised with Sacha Dhawan’s Master leapt out of the portal grinning at the Doctor. But the moment was disappointingly left until the very last minute, leaving a clumsy cliffhanger that almost cut off his last words for a final shot of the Doctor.

Next week we are promised that the Doctor will find out what incensed the Master enough to make him want to decimate Gallifrey, but what of the Cyberman part of the story? The Master has a track record of using them (The Five Doctors, Death in Heaven, World Enough and Time), but at this point there doesn’t seem to be any connection.

We are used to seeing the Master manipulating situations and using friends and foes for his own gain, but just maybe he has accidentally become part of this story. We never did discover the true identity of the Kasaavin, but given Ashad’s vow to bring the Cybermen to a place of ascension, perhaps the Kasaavin are Cybermen living in a higher dimension. It could all have been a botched attempt to become Eternals. No wonder the Cybermen rejected Ashad.

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Paul Driscoll is a freelance writer and author across a range of subjects from Cult TV to religion and social policy. He is a passionate Doctor Who fan and January 2017 will see the publication of his first extended study of the series (based on Toby Whithouse's series six episode, The God Complex) in the critically acclaimed Black Archive range by Obverse Books. He is a regular writer for the fan site Doctor Who Worldwide and has contributed several essays to Watching Books' You and Who range. Recently he has branched out into fiction writing, with two short stories in the charity Doctor Who anthology Seasons of War (Chinbeard Books). Paul's work will also feature in the forthcoming Iris Wildthyme collection (A Clockwork Iris, Obverse Books) and Chinbeard Books' collection of drabbles, A Time Lord for Change.