Doctor Who: Series 13 Trailer Breakdown - 20 Things You Must See
7. Sontarans Charging Into Battle... Sontar-Ha!
Easily the best shot in the trailer is this overhead view of an epic battle. It's difficult to make out in that image, but yep, that's a Sontaran army on the right-hand side!
This is on a scale the likes of which we rarely see in Doctor Who, and assuming that it's a full scene rather than a quick montage, this has the potential to be the best Sontaran sequence in the entire history of the show. We've seen the Sontarans fight, sure, but in a massive skirmish like this? This is exciting new territory.
Presumably, we're looking at another scene from the Crimean War episode here, and those pint-sized potato-heads will be doing what they do best: perverting the course of human history!