Doctor Who: Series 13 Trailer Breakdown - 20 Things You Must See
1. Sontaran Ships Go Boom!
The trailer ends with a literal bang, as Sontaran ships start blowing up left, right, and centre. They may win that one battle, but they clearly don't win the war.
Presumably, the Doctor had something to do with this, and interestingly, it appears she's being assisted by Mary Seacole (that looks like her in the middle there) and a random British soldier? Hardly Brian and the Ponds, but it'll do.
This scene might be a callback to the way the Tenth Doctor and Luke Rattigan dispatched the Sontarans in The Poison Sky, with that duo also opting for an explosive end to the warriors' ships. Either way, it's an awesome visual.
And that's our breakdown of the Doctor Who: Series 13 trailer! We've embedded said trailer below, in case you want to give it another watch. Fill your boots.