Doctor Who Series 7: 5 Hints At The Season Arc

2. The Ponds At Home

Much as Pond Life was a lovely prequel to the main season for the past week, it was more a series of funny sketches building towards the sudden divorce of everyone's favourite companion couple. Steven Moffat had the running time to handle the opening of the Ponds' arc for Series Seven Part One, revealing that Amy was left unable to have more children after the birth of River Song at Demon's Run (A Good Man Goes To War). That this provided the trigger for the alleged divorce was beautifully realistic in many ways, signalling that a more down-to-Earth approach may well be taken with the relationship of the characters from now on. Where will it develop to, though? The four remaining episodes of Part One are essentially the tale of how and why the Ponds depart the TARDIS for good, and although it seems unlikely that either character will be killed outright, the arc of the seemingly positive rekindling of their romance must lead somewhere in The Angels Take Manhattan. We've been told that Dinosaurs On A Spaceship takes place ten months after Asylum, so there'll clearly be age progression, and that in the New York finale Amy apparently wears reading glasses seems to also indicate that the Doctor starts to realise that his parents-in-law are getting on a bit. If I was to take a stab in the dark, I would say that Amy and Rory will end up blasted back in time by the Angels, to the point that they decide to spend their final years of life together in 1930s America (the main time-period where Episode Five is set). There's probably more to it than that, though, so don't be surprised to see further big developments for the Ponds/Williams in weeks to come.
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