Doctor Who Series 7 Part 2 - Best Moments You May Have Missed

Journey To The Center Of The Tardis

This isn€™t so much a missed moment as an implicated moment. The Doctor€™s memento room seems to be where he keeps reminders of his past and his previous companions. He€™s got Amy€™s old Tardis toy€”which Clara immediately plays with, life threats or no mem room 1 and a stolen umbrella he didn€™t actually need. mem room 2 Now, am I the only one who ever wondered where Rose€™s stuff went? She came on the Tardis with a suitcase every time, and lived there for two years. She planned never to move out. Months after her departure, her jacket was still in the control room. And what about Donna€™s stuff? She came with a pile of suitcases and a hatbox! The Doctor couldn€™t just give it all back, something might jog a memory loose. All the functionally dead companion€™s things are in this room. Anything they left behind ended up in that memento room. Which means, when you think about it, that somewhere in a back corner of that room is a heap of girl€™s underwear, presumably thrown down and run away from by a traumatized Doctor.

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at