Doctor Who: Steven Moffat's Timey-Wimiest Episodes

6. The Day Of The Doctor (2013)

Doctor Who Matt Smith David Tennant The Day of the Doctor
BBC Studios

When anniversaries role around in Doctor Who, there's one thing everybody is looking out for: multi-Doctor team ups - a concept that has "timey-wimey" baked right into it.

For the show's 50th, Steven Moffat managed to have three "modern" Doctors share the spotlight, even though Christopher Eccleston had declined to appear. Instead, the newly written "War Doctor" (John Hurt) battled alongside his successors - fan-favorites David Tennant and Matt Smith.

Beyond the thrills and laughs that came with this gathering, the story managed to incorporate a lot of other clever time travel ideas. For example, at one point the Doctors realize that the earliest of them can start the sonic screwdriver on a calculation which will take centuries to complete, meaning the latest of them can benefit from the results immediately.

And this foreshadows the story's climax, where the Doctor does the same thing with himself—setting his first incarnation with a problem that he can then work on over his lifetime, which all the Doctors can then use together, in an epic team-up to save Gallifrey.

The Day of the Doctor is full of fan-pleasing moments, but ultimately Moffat went further than that and used the science fiction tricks at his disposal to tell an emotionally-charged story about the most significant battle the Doctor has ever faced over his many lives.


Ben McClure is a writer and filmmaker. Raised in the United States but living in Australia, he loves stories, gets excited about superheroes and science fiction, and is deeply interested in matters of faith.