Doctor Who: The 11th Doctor's 6 Most Spine Tingling Moments

5. Defeat Of The Silence


While these two episodes (The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon) certainly provided us with far more questions than answers they were a cracking start to an otherwise wobbly sixth series. If you can ignore the plot holes the creepy atmosphere and large scale plot really draws you in and provides us with iconography such as Lake Silencio or the bearded Doctor a prisoner in Area 51. The two parter also had a fantastic end sequence, with one of the most stylish looking scenes in new who. If the absolutely amazing butt kicking of the Silence using one of the most famous lines in human history didn't satisfy you then we also get a gorgeous looking action sequence J. J. Abrams style with lens flares ahoy. Once again Murray Gold (I sense a recurring theme here) shines here, providing us with a revamped version of "I am the Doctor" to complement the fantastic conclusion to this story. The Doctor oozes confidence and the shots of him and River back to back fighting the Silence is glorious to behold.

Jake lives in a small town in England with nothing much to do besides watch far too much television, play games and occasionally have a cup of tea. His favourite things to do are play the guitar and eat scones. Follow him at @_jakelennon if you wish.