Doctor Who: The Best Episodes From Each Modern Series

3. World Enough And Time/The Doctor Falls (Series 10)

Doctor Who The Impossible Planet

Even though Twice Upon a Time served as Peter Capaldi's swansong, it's the immersive series ten finale which provides the blockbuster ending for the Twelfth Doctor.

There are many epic ingredients that are carefully and captivatingly crafted by Steven Moffat; no hint of spaghetti being thrown at the wall here.

Take a dash of regeneration teasing. However this is less a red herring - here's looking at you The Lie of the Land - instead it's a crafty piece of misdirection by Moffat. There is definitely no fake out this time. The Doctor, looking bedraggled, is clearly struggling and summoning all his will to stop regenerating. And, yeah, Capaldi had already announced he was leaving the show beforehand.

Mix a handful of shocking twists for poor old Bill Potts. First, the WOW! and skull on her jacket does, rather unfortunately, neatly sum up the graphically godawful hole in her chest. Secondly, the harrowing penny-dropping moment we realise that she's been fully converted into a throwback Cyberman.

Add a couple of memorable and magnificent Masters. Michelle Gomez and John Simm are naturally and effortlessly brilliant, beguiling, and bananas. Although there's some tweaks with a conflicted Missy and a simmered down version of Simm's manic Master from the Russell T Davies era. They and Capaldi are an enratpturing triumvirate throughout, particularly when the Doctor makes that impassioned plea to them to stay and fight out of simple kindness. Master, you callously wicked man, nice to have you back.

Augment an awe-inspiring 400 mile-long Mondasian colony ship and black hole to create a mesmerising coruscating vita.

Chuck in a cliffhanger with the First Doctor and you've got the best series finale since series four's The Stolen Earth/Journey's End.

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The name's Colbourn, James - yeah, doesn't quite have the same ring to it.