Doctor Who: The Best Episodes From Each Modern Series

6. The Day Of The Doctor (2013 Specials)

Doctor Who The Impossible Planet
BBC Studios

The 50th anniversary special was an unequivocal critical and commercial success. Five-star ratings across the spectrum of time and space. Simulcast in 94 countries. Shown in cinemas, in 3D (when 3D was still in vogue. Yep, that long ago; we're now closer to the 60th anniversary special). An impressive box office gross of $10.2 million, and voted the greatest ever Doctor Who story in 2014 by readers of Doctor Who Magazine.

Matt Smith and David Tennant are a delightful and dextrous Doctor double act; John Hurt said that he and Tennant "should do a revue together". Tennant was equally effusive about the British acting icon:

"As I pull another face, John Hurt has slightly raised an eyebrow, imperceptibly raised an eyebrow, and you know he's winning an Oscar right there."

This zenith of Steven Moffat's many Doctor Who achievements is even more impressive considering how "monstrously stressful" he found it when writing the monumental episode.

Overall, it's a Moffat masterstroke - "This 50th anniversary adventure is the new direction (saving Gallifrey instead of burning it). We're going forwards (the Zygon subplot going on to form the fantastic two-parter in series 9)."

But, and it's a positive but. OK, more of an if only. If only Christopher Eccleston had gone to conventions sooner because meeting Whovians has "healed" him. If only Moffat had worked that extra quarter magic having "three-quarters talked him into it", given that we were teased the Ninth Doctor's involvement in the A Second Target for Tommy book.

Happily - and fantastically - Eccleston is reprising his role as the Ninth Doctor in a series of Big Finish audio adventures. Hopefully that goodwill continues in time for the 60th anniversary special...

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The name's Colbourn, James - yeah, doesn't quite have the same ring to it.