Doctor Who: The Biggest (Unintentional) Laughs of Series 7


he holds still and waits for it There€™s a point in Nightmare in Silver where the Doctor is alone with the Cybermen in the belly of the beast. Now, in the past the Doctor has never been personally threatened with assimilation by the Cybermen. And he thinks it€™ll be the same here. When Webley first threatens him he says €œI€™m not human. You can€™t convert non-humans.€ And Webley says €œThat was true many years ago, but we€™ve upgraded ourselves. Current Cyber units can use any living components.€ What is a normal reaction to a statement like that? Run, or look scared, or hide behind something, or at least MOVE. And what does the Doctor do? he just stands there Absolutely freaking nothing. He just STANDS THERE while Webley throws the Cybermites at him. Look, the problem with this episode is that no one had any time for nuance in their performance because stuff had to be happening every single second. Angie gets kidnapped? The Doctor instantly knows what€™s happened, and runs off to fix it. Clara doesn€™t react at all, just lets the Doctor get away with not being asked questions (really weird for her). The Doctor puts Clara in charge of a platoon of soldiers and NOBODY QUESTIONS THIS, not Clara, not the woman she€™s replacing, not any of the soldiers. Some random girl starts giving orders, and nobody seems to find that odd? But on the plus side, it gives me a chance to shout at the characters and have a bit of fun mocking them.
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Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at