Doctor Who: 7 Heartbreaking Moments Of The Revived Series

They will break both of your Whovian hearts.

Whether you're a Who newbie - a 'Whobie' - or a diehard Classic Series fan, you'll know that Doctor Who never fails to deliver some truly heart-wrenching moments. In fact, it's only a matter of timey-wimey before you're sitting in your armchair with your wonky Fez, clenching your Doctor Who mug and weeping gently to the sound of Tennant€™s, "I don't want to go". Sometimes fans will laugh when a certain Dalek struggles to defeat the humble staircase, sometimes fans will punch their television screen when a companion just doesn€™t run fast enough. But, without a doubt, even those of a burly inclination will be found quietly wiping a tear away when Doctor Who brings out the big guns. And though while some protest every time a companion leaves, sob when the Doctor departs with a new face, they've got to admit, they love it. As the Doctor says, "What's the point in letting them be happy now if they're going to be sad later?" The answer is, of course, because the next blubber-inducing episode is always around the televisual corner. So, if you're in the mood for a solemn sob fest (don't worry, it happens to the best of us - sad is happy for deep people!), grab hold of a fellow Whovian and prepare to get your heart(s) broken with a countdown of the lesser-known top 7 tear-jerking moments from the revived series so far. It's gonna be emotional, guys.
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Doctor Who
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English Literature degree. Four times published author. Senior Editor to Page and Spine literary journal. Freelance editor. Most importantly, Whovian.