Doom Patrol: 10 Things Every Fan Needs To Know

9. It's Based On Several Comic Runs

Doom Patrol
DC Comics

With a whole host of different writers and various reboots, Doom Patrol has had a healthy share of different comic runs since its first appearance in 1963. As such, it’d be easy to presume that the storyline would follow one particular run – made even easier by the fact that the many reboots would allow the series to begin ‘at the start’ of whatever run the producers wanted to pick.

However, that doesn’t appear to be the case, as the show already seems to be drawing from various volumes of the series. While the reference to Eric Morden parallels one of the first stand-alone Doom Patrol comics made, the overall tone fits much closer to the newer, fast-paced and comedy-laced atmosphere that comes with Gerard Way’s adaption.

Add in Cyborg – who does not play a key role in the Doom Patrol comics – and it becomes clear that various sources are being used to inspire the new show.

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.