Doom Patrol: 10 Things Every Fan Needs To Know

8. The Brotherhood Of Dada

Doom Patrol
DC Comics

While Mr.Nobody – part-time villain and quasi-narrator of the show – has been very clearly introduced, the rest of his supervillain team is noticeably absent from the first episode.

In the comics, Nobody leads a team of villains known as the Brotherhood of Dada (or sometimes Nada), named after the avant-garde art movement, Dadaism, which encouraged the creation of nonsensical and bizarre art. Keeping this in mind, the team are suitably bizarre too – like Agent !, who possesses bizarre stealth powers that allow him to surprise attack anyone, or Sleepwalk, who has super-strength, but only when asleep.

With Nobody playing such an important role already in the series thus far – and with the Brotherhood having had such incredibly interesting characters – the appearance of the Brotherhood of Dada seems (hopefully) inevitable at some point within the series.

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