Doom Patrol Season 1: 8 Ups And 1 Down

7. Up: Clint Mansell's Score

Doom Patrol Season 1 Poster
DC Universe

Gamers know him from his excellent contributions to the Mass Effect 3 soundtrack, others know him for his Darren Aronofsky movie scores that somehow made Black Swan and Requiem for a Dream more stressful and unpleasant (in a good way). However you know (or don't know) Clint Mansell, his work on this show deserves serious recognition. Furthering the synthesizer movement in modern Hollywood, Mansell's score for Doom Patrol is capable of making you feel something within yourself. Dread, joy, pure sadness, all of it comes included!

Mansell provided the soundtrack for Titans as well, and his work there is surely notable. That said, his synth-powered score heightens every moment of Doom Patrol. Emotional scenes, goofy back-and-forths, and even the utterly insane moments, all complemented so well by Mansell.

Doom Patrol's score is one that you may not always pick up on, but during that second viewing, you begin to appreciate the swells and plunges that complement what's happening on screen perfectly. He never allows his music to overpower the scene. Instead, he lets his music add its power to each given scene.

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Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.