Emmys 2022: 5 Ups & 7 Downs


7. The Show's Bland Presentation

Emmys 2022 Kenan

Right from the jump, this year's Emmys telecast was a bafflingly staid affair, defined by odd presentational and directorial choices across the board.

From the somewhat cringe-worthy opening song-and-dance medley - mashing up TV shows such as Friends, The Brady Bunch, and Game of Thrones - through to low-energy, no-effort jokes about Netflix and Leonardo DiCaprio's penchant for dating young women, skits that fell totally flat, and an incongruous DJ set throughout the show, there was nothing cohesive about the production.

Throw in baked-in commercials for NBC/Peacock's own content and it amounted to a generically soulless awards show which, again, made little effort to persuade any on-the-fence potential viewers that the Emmys is worth committing three hours of your life to.

It listlessly rode almost every cliche in the awards show playbook, again confirming just how sorely tired this shtick truly is.

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Emmy Awards
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.