Every Arrowverse Season Ranked From Worst To Best

15. The Flash Season 3

Arrowverse CW
The CW

The Flash's third season was very much like Arrow's third season in that it felt like that transitional sequel in a film franchise that completely lost sight of what it once was - the one that, in all honesty, isn't that bad but, upon reflection, is clearly when things started going wrong for the show.

Returning to the well for a third time, the writers once again employed a speedster villain through the use of Savitar - who wasn't just any speedster but the God of Speed. Thus, Barry Allen was predictably bested time and again by yet another speedster - one that ended up turning out to be a twisted version of himself from the future.

Aside from that, characters like Wally West and Tom Felton's Julian Albert felt lost, Iris was portrayed like a damsel in distress, Cisco's understandable resentment towards Barry weighed the show down and the complete failure to do anything with the iconic Flashpoint storyline resulted in a season full of despair and disappointment.

That said, there were some silver linings, such as Tom Cavanagh's infectious performance as H.R. Wells, the joyous musical crossover with Supergirl and the brilliant finale - which ultimately brought the underwhelming season to a strong, if predictable, close.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.