Every Arrowverse Season Ranked From Worst To Best

12. Legends of Tomorrow Season 4

Arrowverse CW
The CW

Legends of Tomorrow's fourth season was, believe it or not, even more ludicrous than everything that came before, as the introduction of magical and mythical creatures led to a ton of colourful adventures (or 'mythteries' as they were once affectionately named) for the Legends.

Unlike the two previous seasons, this one struggled to get the balance between satire and serious right at times as it often leaned too heavily on the wacky and bizarre, resulting in a few unnecessarily over-the-top episodes (yes, even for Legends), but that doesn't mean that there weren't any emotionally strong arcs (Nate's relationship with his father was particularly endearing) or standout moments - who could forget those truly magical musical numbers?

Moreover, the full-time introduction of Matt Ryan's John Constantine was well worth the wait and the exploration of Sara and Ava's relationship was, for the most part, a compelling core narrative (though they could have done without the predictably forced break-up). Nora Darhk also came into her own and proved to be a valuable addition to the show, serving as a believable foil to the demonic Neron.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.