Every BoJack Horseman TV Show & Movie Ranked Worst To Best

7. FHBA: Los Angeles

Bojack Horseman sitcom

After finally emerging from being considered a washed up TV actor and making it as a bona fide movie star, he would have hoped that there was no reason for him to ever go back. He was wrong however, thanks to living so close to Felicity Huffman.

She had hated living underneath him for so long, and putting up with all of his crap, so when he went round to retrieve his mom’s doll, he agreed to appear on her new show in return. He actually got quite excited about 'FHBA: Los Angeles', though he did literally no research into the role.

He was to play ‘The Judge’, in what he assumed was a gritty NCIS style drama. However, it wasn’t until the cameras rolled that he found out FHBA stood for 'Felicity Huffman’s Booty Academy'. It was originally supposed to be 'Felicity Huffman’s Future Leaders of America', but was retooled by the network and ultimately consisted of Huffman herself, Sir Mix-a-Lot, and BoJack judging women’s bodies.

He only lasted one episode. Not that he was desperate to stick around, but he used his power as a judge to promise to progress a contestant if she seduced Miles, the intern that had been hanging out with Hollyhock. This was an elaborate plan to show that he was a dirtbag, but he only wound up hurting Hollyhock and getting himself fired.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.