Every BoJack Horseman TV Show & Movie Ranked Worst To Best

8. Birthday Dad

Bojack Horseman sitcom

While Todd brought to BoJack Horseman much of the light-hearted goofiness that offset the crippling sadness for much of the series, Mr. Peanutbutter was very much in the same boat. He couldn’t have been any more opposite to BoJack if he tried.

After Philbert was cancelled, Diane’s ex-husband went looking for a book to option into a movie. With them all being too long to read, he settled on asking Princess Carolyn for the rights to a ‘Happy Birthday Dad’ greeting card. While 'Birthday Day' as a movie never got off the ground, it was soon turned into a series.

It’s genuinely impossible to say actually what Birthday Dad is, but it was picked up when Pinky the Penguin confused PC’s then unnamed baby, known at the time as Untitled Princess Carolyn Project, for an actual untitled project.

Desperate for work after the world turned on him, BoJack agreed to appear in an episode alongside Mr. Peanutbutter. However, he only played a corpse on a battlefield, and one that director was sure to have facing away from the camera. The only reason this isn’t bottom of the list is that it at least made it to air.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.