Every Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season Finale Ranked From Worst To Best

7. Chosen (Season 7, Episode 22) 

Buffy The Gift Sacrifice
Mutant Enemy

Season seven of Buffy has always been divisive with fans due to its drastic change in tone and style, but its showstopping final chapter 'Chosen' is more often than not, viewed as a resounding success.

Ensuring that the show ended with its biggest action set-pieces ever, this episode saw Buffy and her make-shift army take the fight directly to The First by entering the Hellmouth and challenging its army of Turok-Hans to one last showdown. One that didn't skimp on fist-pumping moments of victory and devasting instances of tragedy that still haunt fans to this day.

For the most part, 'Chosen' ticks all the boxes for what fans could want, but there are some narrative inconsistencies that are difficult to look past. Most notably how the Turok-Hans are reduced to mere fodder when they were previously shown to be near-invincible killing machines.

This was an admittedly intentional choice, as the idea was to focus on the theme of female empowerment, and in that regard, the episode succeeds. The sudden twist of Willow unlocking the power of The Scythe and activating every Potential Slayer across the globe was inspired and ended the show on a hopeful note that left the doors open for so many possibilities.


UK based screenwriter, actor and one-half of the always-irreverent Kino Inferno podcast. Purveyor of cult cinema, survival horror games and low-rent slasher films.