Every Death In The Simpsons Ranked

2. Frank Grimes (Homer’s Enemy)

Simpsons Death
20th Century Fox

Season 8's "Homer's Enemy" introduced the world to the downtrodden Frank Grimes and introduced Grimey to the bane of his existence, Homer Simpson.

Frank Grimes arrives at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant and is immediately disgusted by Homer's laziness and lack of ability. A visit to the Simpson house only escalates Grimes' hatred of Homer and it all comes to a head when he has a mental breakdown in the plant, grabs some high voltage wires, and electrocutes himself to death.

Grimes' grizzly end is easily one of the darkest places the show has gone in its entire history and leaves viewers unsure of how to feel. Frank may have overreacted, but he'd lived a hard life and wasn't mentally stable. Also, he was right! Homer was lazy and paid way more than he was worth. It's a challenging episode to watch and one that doesn't really have a positive resolution no matter how you slice it.

For its iconic place in Simpsons lore and for making us all think that little bit harder, Grimey seals the runner-up spot in the list which is appropriate for a man who found himself playing second fiddle for his entire life.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.