Every Death In The Simpsons Ranked

3. Maude Flanders (Alone Again, Natura-Diddily)

Simpsons Death
20th Television

In terms of impact on the show, there is no bigger Simpsons death than Maude Flanders' in Season 11. An established character since the show's second season, Maude was an extremely familiar face to Simpsons viewers as the equally God-loving wife of the Simpsons' left-handed neighbour.

Her death not only marked the show's biggest status quo change to date (and maybe ever) but it severely impacted one of its biggest characters outside of the main family. It was a huge deal, so why is it not number one?

Firstly, part of the decision was made because of a pay dispute between Fox and actress Maggie Roswell, which is hardly the greatest reason to kill off a character. And secondly, her death is treated with so little care they may as well have flushed her down the toilet.

Not only is she killed in an embarrassing way - getting hit by a t-shirt canon is hardly Shakespearean - but Homer, the man responsible for Maude's untimely demise, goes right back to being a goofball after costing a woman her life.

If this episode wasn't so uncomfortable to watch, this death would absolutely take the top spot. But, as it is, Maude will have to settle for third.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.