Every Dragon Ball Z Villain Ranked Worst To Best

22. Yakon

Kid Buu, Dragon Ball Z
Fuji TV

Another underling of Babidi, who must fight to stall and gather energy for Majin Buu. Yakon is a towering monster that eats pure light, and lives on a pitch black planet.

During his fight with Goku, Babidi transports the two to Yakon's home world, just as he did for Pui Pui. Boasting that Goku cannot see him in the dark, Yakon attacks him. Only to be surprised when Goku dodges the attack, stating that he can use his ki to sense his movements.

Goku's transformation to Super Saiyan lights up the area, but it allows Yakon to feast on the light provided by Goku and power up. Goku senses this and turns Super Saiyan 2, over-loading Yakon with light and causing him to explode.

While Yakon never truly posed a threat to Goku, his unique end is something that makes him a bit more memorable than others.

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