Every HBO Comedy Ranked From Worst To Best

50. The Boring Life Of Jacqueline

Selina Meyers Veep

A true HBO curio, this show about an aspiring actress was never really given much of a chance by the network who, in 2012, had an overstuffed schedule to say the least. Shot in a cinema verite style, this was a show shot on the cheap and tucked away on HBO’s fledgling digital streaming zone.

In the era of HBO Max and a focus on net presence, The Boring Life Of Jacqueline could have found the audience it probably deserved. It’s heavy on the quirkiness, as is much of the work of director Sebastián Silva, and even with its short runtimes, episodes rarely felt as though there was a great deal packed in.

But for those who like that sort of thing, the show definitely had potential. Jaclyn Jonet’s spacy, disconnected performance was great fun and the show utilised cameos well, including frequent Silva collaborator Michael Cera as himself. This could have been a weird show beloved by those in the know; instead, it sputtered out all too fast.

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HBO Veep
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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)