Every HBO Comedy Ranked From Worst To Best

61. Angry Boys

Selina Meyers Veep

The repetitive nature of Ja’mie: Private School Girl was the most obvious issue, but by no means was it the only problem. To wit: its direct predecessor, Angry Boys, in which Lilley plays half a dozen main characters, none of which are particularly interesting, though several of them are memorable for the wrong reasons.

Off the back of Summer Heights High, Lilley was understandably feeling untouchable, and accordingly makes some decisions that one could (very charitably) describe as daring. He plays an American rapper, donning full blackface and spouting lazy observations about the tendency for hip hop artists to exaggerate their street cred.

He portrays a Japanese housewife complete with an accent that was somehow cleared for international broadcast. He dips into the hoariest corners of the sketch cliche book, devising an old lady character who - get this - isn’t au fait with political correctness and says outrageous stuff.

Angry Boys lasted a punishing 12 episodes, and while it was by no means completely bereft of laughs, it was a true slog to get through, leaving a sour taste in its wake.

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HBO Veep
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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)