Every HBO Comedy Ranked From Worst To Best

59. The Mind Of The Married Man

Selina Meyers Veep

In 2001, as HBO truly entered its pomp, the commissioners made the bizarre decision to pick up a regressive and lame comedy with a name that tells you everything you need to know from the off. It’s a show about marriage from the perspective of a man - finally, what we’ve all been waiting for: a male-led sitcom.

TMotMM clearly had an eye to becoming the boys’ version of Sex And The City, but in place of relatable characters, clever plots, romantic stories a viewer could invest in, and a groundbreaking perspective, you had a trio of oafs who grumble about their wives, who were unsurprisingly given very little to do in their meagre screentime.

There’s nothing you haven’t seen on network sitcoms for decades, only with adult content because it’s on HBO. Mike Binder stars, writes, directs, and clearly steers every aspect of this tedious and trite show.

It managed a full two seasons, for the most part picking up venomous reviews. Unfortunately we still see sitcoms of its ilk, but rarely as brazenly ugly as this one.

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HBO Veep
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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)