Every Inside No. 9 Episode Ranked From Worst To Best 

3. Once Removed

Inside No 9

Plot: A story of assassinations is told in reverse chronological order.

Location: A country farmhouse.

Once Removed is one of the crown jewels in Inside No. 9's episode line-up.

It's an episode which sounds nigh-on impossible to pull off but somehow, it all works almost flawlessly. Despite starting at the end and working its way back, the episode still delivers a seemingly endless wave of brilliant shocks, jaw-dropping twists and it even manages to have a startling climax at the end - how the hell did they do it?

Since the plot remains so fascinating and suspenseful despite being told in reverse order, it's seems fair to call this a work of storytelling genius, as well as one of the coolest non-linear works you'll ever watch.

It's not all about the chronology though. Once Removed is also another wickedly funny, beautifully acted, deliciously savage and razor-sharp dark comedy-thriller that is as fantastically smart as it is deliriously entertaining.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.